Ushio Europe
Home » Growth needs space – Ushio Europe is moving office!

Growth needs space – Ushio Europe is moving office!

Dear Valued Customer,

Your continued trust in our company and services have enabled a steady growth for Ushio Europe over the years. We value our relationship and want to further expand our offering to better serve you now and into the future. To do so, we need more space. Space for people, products and business.

In short, we’re proud and excited to announce that we will be conducting business from a more spacious and modern USHIO office and warehouse as of the 2nd of January 2019.

Here’s where you will find us:

Ushio Europe B.V.
Breguetlaan 53
1438 BD Oude Meer
The Netherlands

Thanks for passing on these new details to whomever it may concern in your company for admin purposes.

Our office numbers will remain the same: telephone at +31 20 44 69 333 / fax at +31 20 44 60 360.

Any move requires time to settle in, we guess it will take us about two weeks’ time. So as of December 14, 2018, we will no longer be operating from our Breguetlaan 16 location. Come January 2, 2019, though, we’ll be fully operational from the new location at Breguetlaan 53. You can see we try to make the best use of the holiday period downtime.

We don’t want our move to impact your business, so we’ll be not be shipping any goods between the 14th of December 2018 until the 2nd of January 2019. We’ll be following up on business, of course. But there will be no logistic shipments during those two weeks to make sure neither of us is confronted with the occasional hiccups that tend to occur during office moves. Thank you for factoring this in, we’re here for you to find a solution before we start moving.

Our goal for this new and larger space is to serve our customers better. Should you have any questions on our relocation, please feel free to contact us

Thank you for your understanding, patience and business.

All the best,