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Home » USHIO´s UniJet UV LED curing systems a great success at this year’s InPrint in Munich, Germany

USHIO´s UniJet UV LED curing systems a great success at this year’s InPrint in Munich, Germany

Ushio’s UniJet UV LED curing systems a great success at this year’s InPrint in Munich, Germany.

InPrint is characterized by its offering of high level expertise and unique, cutting edge technology, product launches and showcases from leading brands in the field of industrial print solutions.

Ushio, market leader in high energy and special light sources, presented, in addition to conventional UV light sources and power supplies, its newly-developed UniJet UV LED curing system for the pinning and final curing of UV reactive inks, adhesives and coatings. UniJet UV LED units are available with different wavelengths and configurations at a power level of up to 20 W/cm². In addition, Ushio proudly exhibited its highly efficient excimer lamp system for surface pre-treatment and cleaning.

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